It would be pretty easy to implement too - just have certain Governors unlock with the Tier 3 and 4 Government Civics.

That's cool, but what's missing is mid to late game Governors that sort of mirror Civ 5's Ideologies. Victor=Honour, Magnus=Liberty, Liang=Tradition, Moshka=Piety, Reyna=Commerce, Amani=Patronage, and Pingala=Rationalism).

Governors are essentially the Civ 6 version of Civ 5's Social Policies (e.g. As part of introducing Idelogical Pressure, I think FXS also need to tweak Amenities and Maintenance Costs generally, to create a bit more empire management challenges in the late game, and then add some Ideology related Wonders like the Pentagon, Prora etc. You could have Tier 4 Governments exert additional Ideological Pressure, which would help buff those Governments, and also maybe introduce some negatives to switching Government types so that forcing someone to switch from say Democracy to Communism because of Ideological Pressure becomes a tough choice.You could also obviously have World Congress Resolutions which focus Ideologies and buffs to Alliances for shared Ideologies. Civ 6 needs an equilevelent to Idelogical Pressure, which ties together Tourism, Amenities and Loyalty, which in turn creates more tension around what Tier 3 and 4 Goverments you pick and generates more global conflicts. BNW introduced Ideological Pressure, which used Tourism to cause happiness / amenities in neighourboring Civs to be reduced if you had differing ideologies. Additionally, I’d like see T3 and T4 Governments made more important via ideological pressure and unlocking mid and late game governors (see below). That could be expanded, so that each T3 and 4 Government also gives you access (ie lets you build) unique military and civilian units, unique buildings and unique wonders. T3 and T4 Governments already have unique policy cards that can only be used with certain governments exclusive. Tier 3 and Tier 4 Governments should be game changing, rather than just being incremental expansions on T1 and 2 Governments, so that getting to these modern “ideological” governments is a real turning point in the game. Make Tier 3 and Tier 4 Governments more game changing.Here's what I think the game needs specifically.

But Civ 6 really needs the equivilent of Brave New World for the game to feel complete, and go from "excellent" to "best Civ / 4X ever". The late game is dull and lacks conflict, there are key mechanics from Civ 5 that the game is still missing, and there are existing mechanics from RnF and GS that still need more work.īrave New World for Civ 6 could be a Third Expansion, or could maybe just be covered by one or two smaller DLCs. It added late game mechanics like Ideology and World Congress, that moved the early game from being about squabbling city states, to a late game about Global Hegemons, International Conflicts and Word Wars.Ĭiv 6 needs the same thing. BNW in Civ 5 was critical to making that game a success.